Test de connaissances sur Mortal Online

Vous souhaitez tester vos connaissances sur Mortal Online et prouver que vous maîtrisez ce sujet à la perfection ?

Alors le concours suivant est fait pour vous : à travers une série de 35 questions posées par Elfvis, membre de la communauté du forum officiel de Mortal Online, tous les thèmes sont abordés, des fonctionnalités du jeu à l'équipe de développement Star Vault AB en passant par sa communauté. Les questions sont en anglais, les réponses attendues de même.

Quant à la récompense, elle ne sera dévoilée qu'une fois le concours terminé, le Vendredi 10 Avril. Cela se passe par ici :

Testez votre connaissance de Mortal Online (concours clos)

Bonne chance !

Mise à jour du Mardi 14 Avril

Le concours étant fini, voici les réponses :

1. How many Developers are currently working on Mortal Online (within Starvault)?

2. Name all of the interns currently working on Mortal Online?
- Andreas Springare
- Henrik Ekholm
- Johan Karlsson
- Max Lindgren

3. What was the first thread ever posted?
We are listening to you thread.
Posted 8th April 2008, 00:31 (or 7th of April 2008, 14:31)

4. What is the longest thread ever posted (based on replies)?
Sadly, it is the Ban the user above you thread.

5. Which member has the highest post count?

6. When were the Mortal Online Forums started and when was Starvault created?
8th of April 2008.
16th of April 2008

7. Who won the creature concept contest?
Resin for his Dryad entry.

8. When did beta development begin?
January 2009 according to the 11/12/2008 Press Release.

9. What Gender is Lachrymose?

10. What was the first ever Mortal Online only guild created (based on date it was concieved and then announced)?
Forumfall Union was the oldest conceived guild.
However The King's Dragons is the first MO exclusive guild which formed on the 21st of April, 2008.

11. What date did the Mortal Online counter start?
23rd of January 2009, after midnight GMT.

12. What was the game played in the first Developer vs Community
Defense of the Ancients. DOTA

13. What shard did the Devs and Community play on in Ultima Online?
Defiance UOR shard.

14. What was the color of Henrik's character's hair in Ultima Online when he
played with the Mortal Online Community?

15. Name the known continents of Mortal Online?
herebalter and myrland

16. What was the first race in Mortal Online released to the public?
Half Orcs.

17. Where do the Sators live?
The Marsh Jungles.

18. Which forum member, developer, or moderator is Henrik's brother?

19. Who was the first moderator(s), the ones with the red in their names (first registered and tagged with the red name)?
Talos, registered 31st of March 2008. First administrator / moderator / red name.

20. What was the original name of Mortal Online, before it was changed to
Mortal Online?
Nature of WAR. NOW

21. What was the name of Henrik's guild from old school Ultima Online?
Shadow of Clowns

22. What was the only part of the game that at one time was considered to
be in the 3rd person?
Mounted combat.

23. What are the two currently know languages in Mortal Online?
- Myril.
- Sardish.

24. What is the name of the singer of the music in the first teaser?
Kristina Jenneborg.

25. According to Mat Persson which tastes better to a Tindemene, Platefish or
Winged Spica tastes better.

26. What is the name of the academy that sunk into the sea according to the
Mortal Online lore?
The academy of Athenaeum Regalis disappeared after Vica Iudico sank into the ocean.

27. What was the size (actual) of the Mortal Online world during alpha testing?

28. When is Henrik Nystrom's Birthday?
18th of March.

29. What member is pictured here?
Photo was taken at the GC.

30. What feature of the forums was broken after a forum update?
The search function.

31. What dangerous creature with the head of a man and the tentacles of an
octopus is rumored to scour the Mortal Online World?
The Sebastaclor!

32. Who was the first Developer to introduce themselves in the Introduce
yourself thread?
Denny Lindberg.

33. Theoretically in Mortal Online can you eat your mount?
Yes, if you kill it, loot its meat then you can feast on the remains!

34. Where is starvault located in the world?
Malmö, Sweden.

35. What is the name of Tindrem's Arena?
The Arena Fatalis.

Source : http://www.mortalonline.com/forums/8436-test-your-knowledge-mortal-online-community-test.html

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