Le Territory Control est arrivé

Et voilà, le patch tant attendu est maintenant sur le serveur Live !

Ce patch permettra aux guildes possédant un keep sur un territoire de le contrôler entièrement. Un nouveau système de "points" permettra aux souverains de territoires de construire des tours de contrôles, bannir des joueurs ou guilde entière de leurs territoires, contrôler les ressources, contrôler les villes NPC en désactivant les "guard zones" par exemple, engager des NPC pour protéger les forteresses (sentinelles, healer, ingénieurs, ect...) et pleins d'autres features qui auront un réel impact dans le monde de Nave. En bonus, Star Vault introduit 4 nouvelles armes à découvrir (par le craft bien entendu).

Voiçi une vidéo pour illustrer l'arrivé de ce nouveau patch:

 Voici le patch note complet de cette mise à jour:


General Changes and Additions:

This content bring us the Conquest of Nave (Territory Control & Prominence/Stat system) which can be read about here

- Houses will now connect with a guild only if they have a guildstone.
- Transfering a house will now move the guildstone to the chest of the house.
- Because of the new rule one-stone-per-guild every guildstone will have been moved to the chest of that house when the server starts.
- Only the guildleader can now place guild-stones.
- Houses containing a guildstone will now be guild-flagged.
- You can no longer start a trade with someone who is in combatmode.
- Rebuilt the system for tracing handle-hits, it should now be a lot more exact even with longer weapons.
- Auto-deconstruction timer on game-tables have been reduced to 6min.
- All building decay has been reduced from 48h to 12h.
- The leave guild timer for members have been changed from 8h to 1h.
- Canceling a war will now cost 200 PP for the guild that ends the war.
- Kicking a guild-member that is online will now trigger a 1h cooldown before he is kicked. If the member is offline he/she will be instantly kicked.
- Skill book Concentration II and III added
- Stat system added, hundreds of secret stats to unlock tied to events
- Some spells tweaked in damage and range.
- Scythe weapon heads added to crafting
- New axe head types added to crafting
- Nite Queen spawn and stats changed
- Greater Kimuru spawn and stats changed
- Various weapons rebalanced

Bug fixes:

- Fixed a bug that made it possible for players that just got loaded to end up in a invisible mode for other players.
- Mounted left swing fixed
- HouseFriends will now correctly be cleared when a player transfers his house or the house destroyed.
- Clean up of houses that get destroyed should now work a lot better.
- Fixed an issue where guild-acronyms could stay even if you left your guild
- Made the placing of loot bags a lot safer.
- You should now correctly be reported as a tresspasser if you enter someone elses house without being their friend or in their guild.
- House->Guild connection rebuilt and should now be a lot safer.

 Dorénavant, les actions des joueurs pourront avoir un gros impact sur la politique du jeu ! A vos épées !

Source : http://www.mortalonline.com/forums/68849-changelog-conquest-nave-version-1-60-00-00-a.html

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